Bing Bong! Means I Love You

In early May, I went on a fabu 5-day cruise with Dana. It was during the height of swine flu so there were a few tense days where we thought we were going to be stuck in Mexico and not let back into the States. But, our itinerary was changed and we ended up stopping in Jamaica instead. (SO MUCH HAWTNESS.)

Our cruise director was … some guy. We called him Julie. Anyway, he would come over the ship’s PA system several times a day, making insane announcements, always ending with “BING BONG!” Of course Dana and I started saying it to each other, because it is so made of win.

Last night I was watching Family Guy, when I heard Stewie say “Bing bong!” It’s during the episode with Tom Brady; in that particular scene, Stewie is watching Tom Brady while he’s in the shower. LOL That prompted me to (finally) look on teh interwebz to see the origin of Bing Bong.

First stop — the Urban Dictionary. This was probably the strangest of the bunch. And I don’t think this was what Julie was talking about.

bing bong
an exclamatory phrase shouted while a girl hits another girl in the crotch in an attempt to make them pee themselves.
girl 1-“dang i have to pee”
girl 2-“BING BONG!” (hit in crotch)
girl 1-“shoot i just peed.”
girl 2-“YESSSS”

Well, then. Let’s keep looking.

bing bong
Used by groups of people smoking a spliff. When the person with the spliff shouts or says Bing everyone else in the group shouts Bong and the spliff is then passed to whoever managed to say Bong first.

This method is often used when it would be hard to sit or stand in a circle and pass the spliff around in one direction. Which is why its common at parties.
However some people get missed out because they are too slow with a response. But usually another spliff is rolled again within a few minuets
Sue: Bing
Mike, Steph, Lottie: Bong
Sue: *passes spliff to Mike because she heard him first*

Maybe this is what Julie was referring to, but probably not. He was too perky to be stoned all the time.

I guess it will remain a mystery, as Julie was leaving Royal Caribbean shortly after our cruise to work for “Shmisney.” I like to randomly say, “Bing Bong means I love you!” to Dana and another girl who sat at our dinner table. ‘Cause we’re awesome like that.

5 thoughts on “Bing Bong! Means I Love You

  1. Hahahaha! I would have guessed that Bing Bong is that sound that some PA systems make before the announcements and at the end. I think he was simulating the sound by going Bing Bong. Maybe?

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