Rules Of The Movie Theater

I went to see the new Harry Potter movie today.  This post is not about the movie itself.  It’s about the RIDICULOUS poor behavior by several people that I witnessed today.

I went in and found my seat.  The theater was pretty full, so I grabbed a seat where I could.  It was next to an empty seat that was next to a small boy and his mother.  The boy looked to be about 7 or 8 years old.  He was fidgety, but I figured that he would calm down when the movie started.  Oh, how I was so wrong.  The theater has rocking seats, so he proceeded to kick and push on the seat in front of him.  How that woman didn’t lose her ever loving mind all over him I have no idea.  She’s clearly a better person than me.  LOL  He fidgeted.  He wiggled.  He flung his arms all over the place.  His mother had gotten him an Icee to drink, which he drained before the movie began (because he needed so much more sugar), so he proceeded to pick it up every 2 minutes and suck through the straw, loudly.  And his mother just sat there and did nothing.

He ALSO asked the questions “Why are they doing that?” and “What does that mean?” and “What’s going on?” during the entire movie.  The entire 153 minutes of the movie.  I reckon he asked those questions about 4700 times.  And his mother would answer him.  Loudly.  “Well, you see, Hermione really likes Ron…..”  I wanted to get up and slap the crap out of that woman.  This is not like watching movies in your livingroom, you daft cow.

Also witnessed at the theater?  A massive group of people with a ton of kids that were up and down through the entire movie.  Several people with infants that cried off and on through the whole movie.  A teenage girl in front of me that spent the whole movie texting a friend, telling what was going on in the movie.

Srsly.  Learn the etiquette of the movie theater!

11 thoughts on “Rules Of The Movie Theater

  1. OMG I hear ya! However, J says that if you go to the manager and complain about not being able to enjoy the movie due to rude and unruly patrons they will give you a pass to come back and see the movie at a later time. I sat through the bullshit too tho, so I can’t say much….just pisses ya off tho.

  2. That’s exactly why I hate moves! Sooooooo many people have no friggin’ manners!

    Unless it’s something I really want to HEAR in the big theaters (because really, my tiny surround sound system doesn’t hold a candle to the theater), I’d rather wait for the DVD to come out.

  3. WTH? I would have complained about them and they’d probably be kicked out. That is so rude! I went to see it too last week with my cousin and she used her “outdoor voice” like she always does a couple of times. I had to snap at her. Then she started texting her boyfriend and when I told her off she didn’t give up and said it wasn’t a big deal. She pissed me off so much that I didn’t want to talk to her for the rest of the night but when it comes to family we hardly ever see, it’s better to be nice to them even if they annoy us.

    I had to sit through an entire graduation with a bunch of grown men talking and laughing behind me. They didn’t even bother to whisper. It’s okay if you do it briefly or just when they are calling out names but to do it during speeches is horrible and very disrespectful to both the speaker and the graduand that you’re there to honour and support.

    Wow, that was a bit of a rant. I had to stop myself.

  4. Maybe you should’ve borrowed Bad Monkey (with the gun) from Dave2 and taken him along to the movie. Then, you could always say: “Oh, he’s not mine. I thought he was one of yours. There appears to be a distinct family resemblance. BTW it’s a shame about your kid….*snicker*”

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