That’s All Folks…..

…..from me.  My time here at Therapy in the Making is done with this post.  I’m handing over posting responsibility to Dave2 from Blogography.  He’ll be posting for the next few half hour slots.

Please take a moment and go check out the organization we are doing this for, Doctor’s Without Borders.  Created to assist others in desperate need of medical care and relief aid, they can only continue to exist with help from people at large.

I’d like to thank Therapy in the Making for allowing me to play in his sandbox and contribute to this worthy cause in my own small way.  You are awesome for pulling all of this together.

(pee ess – Feta cheese?  The most awesome substance ON. THE. PLANET.  Just sayin’)

Muse <3

A couple years ago I got Guitar Hero 3 which had a song called “Knights of Cedonia” on it.  I was very intrigued but knew nothing about the band.  Shortly after that I went to go visit my High School Best Friend Forever (HSBFF) and while we were getting ready to go out, she was playing music.  I was really digging the music and asked who it was.  She told me it was Muse – and told me that they were the band that did “Knights”.  I got my hands on as much Muse music as I could find and just devoured it all.  I love this band!  They are a trio from England.

So, a few months ago the HSBFF calls me and says that I needed to come to New York City (where she lives – squeeee!  I love NYC) in September to go see U2 with her.  Meh, I’m not a huge fan of U2, so I began kind of trying to backpeddle my way out of going up there when she dropped the following bomb on me.

“Muse is the opening act.”

O-M-G!  I immediately agreed to go.  We bought concert tickets and squealed all over each other.  She called me the next day.  “Guess what?  They added a second show!”  O-M-G x2!  So we bought tickets to that show as well.

SO. EXCITED.  I can’t wait to see them.  Oh, for your viewing/listening pleasure….here is a live version of one of my favorite songs by them – Unintended.

(and Therapy in the Making? Mat Bellamy is very dreamy and you totally remind me of him!!!)

A Move?

I am sitting on pins and needles.  Have been for a week now and it’s UNCOMFORTABLE.  You see, I hate my job.  I am grateful that I am actually employed at all in today’s economy, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  I don’t actually mind what I do for a living (I’m a buyer for a very large airplane/aerospace business – makes planes, name rhymes with “going”), I hate doing it here right now.  Here being St. Louis, MO.  I have been here for nearly 4 years now and I have hated every single second of it.  The people here are ridiculous and it was made very clear to me in the beginning of June that the only way to get ahead here was to kiss management ass.  Which I am SO not going to do.  So I called my old manager in Houston, TX, in tears, and asked if I could come home.  She put a job requisition in the system the following day (with a relocation package on it too!  score!!) and I applied.  I had to actually interview for the position (stupid HR rules) and am competing for the job with 3 other people.  The interview was last Thursday and I was told the decision would be announced in 2 to 3 weeks.

Hence the pins and needles.

I want to go home.  I’ve lived a lot of places, but Houston is what I consider home.  It’s been my favorite place to live.  Near the ocean, green and pretty, never gets ridiculously cold.  Plus, the job is just so much better there.  It’s supporting the space program (the International Space Station to be specific) and I love it.

So, keep me in your thoughts.  I need this job so I can get out of this miserable town and job.

Can It Really Only Be 2 Years?

2 years ago, I made 3 girlfriends.  While this may not seem monumental to most, it really is for me.  I do not make girlfriends easily.  For a lot of years I had NO girlfriends.  No one closer than acquaintances.  That was by design.  When I was 21 my best friend in the whole world was murdered.  The hurt from that nearly killed me and for a lot of years I just found it easier to not let anyone else get that close to me again.  Many years and a lot of therapy later, I began to open myself up to that kind of close relationship.

2 years ago, I did not participate in the Blogathon.  Instead I stayed up most of the night and kept other bloggers company while they did it.  That was back when I had a working webcam too.  :(  That was the night that I really bonded with Monique, Laci and Kathy.  Very shortly after that we all met up in Louisville and spent a weekend together bonding (Jeff the Mennonite Douchebag girls??), drinking and getting tattoos.  I haven’t looked back.  They are all 3 special women to me, each in a different way.  They’ve been there for me when I’ve royally screwed things up, they’ve helped me pick up the pieces, they’ve let me cry and cried with me when I needed it.  I went on vacation (the cruise MADE OF WIN!  BING BONG!) with one of them this year.  And the laughing.  Dear God, the laughing we do.  Makes my gut hurt from it all.

I love them, and can’t imagine my life without them in it now.  All thanks to the Blogathon.  <3 <3

Rules Of The Movie Theater

I went to see the new Harry Potter movie today.  This post is not about the movie itself.  It’s about the RIDICULOUS poor behavior by several people that I witnessed today.

I went in and found my seat.  The theater was pretty full, so I grabbed a seat where I could.  It was next to an empty seat that was next to a small boy and his mother.  The boy looked to be about 7 or 8 years old.  He was fidgety, but I figured that he would calm down when the movie started.  Oh, how I was so wrong.  The theater has rocking seats, so he proceeded to kick and push on the seat in front of him.  How that woman didn’t lose her ever loving mind all over him I have no idea.  She’s clearly a better person than me.  LOL  He fidgeted.  He wiggled.  He flung his arms all over the place.  His mother had gotten him an Icee to drink, which he drained before the movie began (because he needed so much more sugar), so he proceeded to pick it up every 2 minutes and suck through the straw, loudly.  And his mother just sat there and did nothing.

He ALSO asked the questions “Why are they doing that?” and “What does that mean?” and “What’s going on?” during the entire movie.  The entire 153 minutes of the movie.  I reckon he asked those questions about 4700 times.  And his mother would answer him.  Loudly.  “Well, you see, Hermione really likes Ron…..”  I wanted to get up and slap the crap out of that woman.  This is not like watching movies in your livingroom, you daft cow.

Also witnessed at the theater?  A massive group of people with a ton of kids that were up and down through the entire movie.  Several people with infants that cried off and on through the whole movie.  A teenage girl in front of me that spent the whole movie texting a friend, telling what was going on in the movie.

Srsly.  Learn the etiquette of the movie theater!